About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Devin and I am 23 years old.

Like most people my age, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I do have an Associates Degree in Business Administration. I also know that I want to go to culinary school to become a pastry chef. Other than that, no idea.

When I'm not reading, I can be found watching Netflix, baking, drawing, and just hanging out with family.. oh and playing with my awesome little Yorkie, Bruno.

I like to read, of course. I also like talking about the books I read so I thought it would be a good/cool idea to get into blogging! So, that's what I did! I hope you enjoy the blog!

Feel free to add me on all of my social media sites!


  1. Hi Devin! Can't wait to see your posts(:

  2. Hey, Devin! I’m the same age as you. :] I found your reviews after reading a couple about a book I was considering, and I was wondering if you accept review requests? I have two YA novels I would be happy to send you eBooks of. One is an award-winning, paranormal romance, and the other is a dystopian tale about a clairvoyant drug. Please let me know if you want more information at shannonathompson@aol.com.
    Thank you,



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